Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Analyse the objectives and nature of the Integrated Reporting; Analyse the concept of value creation, how value is created, materiality, and the significant capital components related to Integrated Reporting; Analyse the framework for the preparation of an Integrated Report; Analyse the role of assurance on Integrated Reporting and the relation between Integrated Reporting and corporate governance; Critically evaluate Integrated Reports around the world; Critically evaluate factor affecting and affected by Integrated Reports.
- The Evaluation of Corporate Reporting;
- The Integrated Reporting;
- The Six Capitals in Integrated Reporting;
- The Guiding Principles of Integrated Reporting;
- The Content Elements of Integrated Reporting;
- General Reporting Guidance of Integrated Reporting;
- Assurance on Integrated Reporting;
- Integrated Reporting and Corporate Governance;
- The Practices of Integrated Reporting around the World;
- Factors Influencing and Influenced by Integrated Reporting;
- Enrichment Activity: Discussion – The Integrated Reporting;
- Enrichment Activity: Discussion – Integrated Thinking;
- Enrichment Activity: GUEST LECTURE – The Background of Integrated Reporting;
- Enrichment Activity: Discussion – Value creation; Enrichment Activity: Discussion – Integrated Reporting in Indonesia;
- Enrichment Activity: GUEST LECTURE – Practices of Integrated Reporting.
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