STATICS (4 Credits)
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to: Define each types of structural systems and classify whether it is statically determinate or indeterminate structures; Analyze statically determinate beam and portal structures with equations of equilibrium; Analyze Internal Loadings Diagram of beam and portal structures; Analyze statically determinate truss structures; Analyze cables and three hinged arches structures; Compose influence lines diagram for statically determinate beam and truss structures.
- Types of Structures and Loads;
- Analysis of Statically Determinate beam and portal Structures;
- Determine Internal Loadings Diagram of beam and portal structures;
- Analyse of Statically Determinate Truss Structure;
- Cables and Arches;
- Influence Lines Diagram for Statically Determinate Beam and Truss Structures;
- Types of Structures and Loads.
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