Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to: Explain basic concepts and understanding of research and methods in animation design (ADRM approach); demonstrate key concepts and approaches of research and methods in animation design (ADRM approach); analyze problems through research and methods in animation design (ADRM approach); Generalize solutions based on research and methods in animation design (ADRM approach).
Understanding animation, design, research, and method I; Understanding animation, design, research, and method I; Understanding animation, design, research, and method II; Understanding animation, design, research, and method II; Animation, design, and research Process; Animation, design, and research Process; Research method I; Research method I; Research method II; Research method II; Research method III; Research method III; Research method for animation design I; Research method for animation design I; Research method for animation design II; Research method for animation design II; Animation Design Proposal; Animation Design Proposal; Animation Design Proposal; Animation Design Proposal; Research practice; Research practice; Research practice; Research practice; Research Report and evaluation; Research Report and evaluation.
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