CHILD GAMES (2 Credits)
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to: Define the concept of child games in character building and child development; Describe the various forms of appropriate child games in Primary School; Apply creative child games that are integrated with learning materials; Create creative and educative child games in Primary School.
- Child’s Games concept in the development of children’s character (counseling);
- Child’s Games: knowing ourselves and the social environment;
- Child’s Games: communicative;
- Child’s Games: build concentration;
- Child’s Games: logic of thinking;
- The roles of games on child development (psychology achievement);
- Child’s Games: creativity and imagination;
- Child’s Games: problem solving;
- Child’s Games: motivation and passion;
- Principles of designing educational games for students;
- Create Child’s creative and educational games for students (low grade);
- Create Child’s creative and educational games for students (high grade);
- Child’s Games: strategy and evaluation learning.
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