Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Describe major relationships, mechanisms, and organizations focused on security issues at the global level; Discuss key concepts and theories used in the field of global security architecture; Examine how contemporary and emerging security challenges are managed at the global level; Analyze the changing nature of global security architecture.
- Introduction to global security architecture;
- Realism and its model of global security architecture;
- Liberalism and its model of global security architecture;
- Constructivism and its model of global security architecture;
- Discussion: article review or movie commentary I;
- Global Security Architecture I;
- Global Security Architecture II;
- Regional Security Architecture I: Asia-Pacific;
- Regional Security Architecture II;
- Current Global Security Architecture;
- Current Regional Security Architecture;
- Discussion: article review or movie commentary II;
- Discussion: article review or movie commentary III.
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