INDONESIAN (2 Credits)
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to: Identify spelling errors in sentences and paragraphs; Compose an academic paragraph; Create scientific writing; Produce an academic presentation based on the topic.
Fungsi Bahasa dan Ragam Bahasa; Sejarah, Kedudukan, dan Fungsi Bahasa Indonesia; Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia; Diksi, Pembentukan istilah, dan Definisi; Kalimat Efektif; Paragraf Akademik; Plagiarisme dan Topik Karangan Ilmiah; Esai Akademik; Artikel Ilmiah; Karangan Ilmiah Populer; Proposal Penelitian; Teknik Pengutipan dan Penyusunan Daftar Pustaka; Komunikasi Akademik.
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