Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to apply theoretical concepts and knowledge in fashion design, apply appropriate techniques of fabric manipulation to enhance details and features of the fabric, apply appropriate techniques in producing ready-to-wear fashion while considering aspects of aesthetics, efficiency, and effectiveness, apply a variety of sewing and pattern making techniques, communicate design and technical skills as well as self-development through a portfolio, and organize professional working method and schedule
Topics: This course will introduce students to basic garment assembly and production techniques, from flat pattern, drafting in making a variety of sewing techniques and machineries. To the larger extent, the students will produce a prototype of creative form and silhouette for style and fit evaluation test, Students also learns identify fiber, yarn, fabric, its sources and properties, altogether with the fabric construction, which contributes to building fabric characters. To the larger extent, the students will learn about fabric surface treatment and texture on fabric. This course will inspire the students to produce individual fabric samples building a personal fabric concept.
Pre-requisite(s): None
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