Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: LO1 – Explain essential principles, theories, processes and techniques that are applicable to develop innovative food product; LO2 – Use AI to develop innovative food product; LO3 – Create innovative product through the application of knowledge.
- Trends and innovation in food;
- Sensory testing in innovative food product development;
- New Food product development concepts;
- Prototype development;
- Sensory testing in innovative food product development;
- Innovative food packaging for food products development;
- Product development in the food additive and food ingredient;
- Assignment 1: Product design 1;
- Assignment 2: Product design 2;
- Feedback for assignment 1;
- legal aspect and intellectual property rights;
- Prototype development;
- Innovative food packaging for food products development;
- Skills for developing established products available from the marketplace;
- Assignment 2: Product design 2;
- Process design;
- Feedback for assignment 2;
- legal aspect and intellectual property rights.
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