Learning Outcomes :
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to: Explain the basic concept and the importance of Social Media Marketing and Analytics in Business World; Analyze the Social Media Marketing and Analytics Planning Cycle; Analyze Social Media Marketing and Analytics Tools; Apply Social Media Marketing and Analytics Tools for Explore about the Audiences
Topics :
The role of social media marketing; Goals and Strategies; Identifying Target Audiences; Rules of Engagement for Social Media Marketing and Social Media Governance; Paid Social and Influencers; Social Media Platforms and Social Networking Sites; Content Creation and Sharing Blogs, Podcasting, and Webinars; Video Storytelling; Content Marketing Publishing Articles, White Papers, and E-Books; Virtual Communities; Mobile Marketing on Social Networks; Social Media Monitoring and Management Tools; Managing and Staffing the Organization for Social Media Marketing; Social Media Marketing Plan; Discover the Next Generation of Google Analytics; Use Google Analytics to meet your business objectives; Measure Your Marketing with Google Analytics; Go Further with Your Google Analytics Data; Certifications; Final Group Presentation
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