Organizational Behaviour And Leadership
Learning Outcomes:
Choose leadership concept that suitable to situation; Describe leadership complexity some variables or aspects that influence leadership effectiveness; Demonstrate solving the problem or leadership phenomenon in some different organization’s situation; Identify facts, find some aspects factors or leadership Variables, Connecting related factors and variables.
1. Introduction (What Is Organizational Behavior?)
2. The Individual (Diversity in Organizations, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction, Emotions and Moods, Personality and Values, Perception and Individual Decision Making, Motivation: From Concepts to Applications)
3. Group: Foundations of Group Behavior
4. Group: Understanding Work Teams
5. Group: Communication
6. Group: Leadership, Policies, and Decision Making
7. Group: Power and Politics, Conflict and Negotiation
8. Organization System: Foundations of Organization Structure (+ GSLC)
9. Organization System: Organizational Culture
10. Organization System: Organizational Change and Stress Management
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