Accounting Global Class
Student Outcomes
After completing the study, graduates are:
- Able to prepare financial reports for business entities based on current Global Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GGAAP)
- Able to prepare management reports based on accounting knowledge to support planning, controlling, and decision-making.
- Able to analyze financial statements, management reports, business and control risks and give recommendation to improve effectiveness of entities’ financial performance.
- Able to organize audit field work in accordance to Global Generally Accepted Auditing Standard (GGAAS).
- Able to analyze and give recommendations to improve the effectiveness of accounting information system
- Able to develop various solutions to solve tax problems based on tax regulations.
- Able to perform various type of auditing which include financial statement and management audit under relevant standards and give recommendation and opinions based on audit findings.
- Able to recommend and advise clients on the issues of taxation corresponding tax laws
- Able to conduct sustainability report on a wide range of practical issues of sustainability accounting and managerial accounting
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