Statistics and Computer Science
Nowadays, all kinds of data are being generated when business processes are conducted or when enterprises interoperate. This vast amount of data is called as Big Data and it can be analysed using process-mining and data-mining techniques to understand how a business is performing and to identify new opportunities. The combination of Statistics and Computer Science into one program is designed to maximize the learning opportunities for the student in of handling Big Data, techniques for analyzing it, and simulation techniques for exploring the new business scenarios. This interdisciplinary study addresses the complexity of manipulating, analysing and using Big Data in business. The program can be completed within 4 – 4.5 years. Furthermore, to provide work experience for students, there are industrial internships, interesting research or entrepreneurship programs for 1 semester.
Catalog 2017/ B2021 (PDF), Catalog 2018/ B2022 (PDF), Catalog 2019/ B2023 (PDF),
Catalog 2020/ B2024 (PDF), Catalog 2021/ B2025 (PDF), Catalog 2022/ B2026 (PDF), Catalog 2023/ B2027 (PDF), Catalog 2024/ B2028
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